
Image Comics, $3.50, 28 pages
Story Grade: B+
Issue Score: 66.50
Somehow, I missed the previous issue of this series and, while I was able to get back up to speed pretty quickly, I could have benefited from a better recap page. Honestly, what was provided on the inside front cover of this issue is the only what-has-come-before blurb I've ever read that almost demands that you know what has come before in order to understand it. Given the half-page of blank space, a who's who of the cast would have been a welcome addition as well, especially given that I seem to be having trouble telling the female cast members apart. The story itself was decent enough – this series is basically Sliders meets Lost in Space – although the “bad guys” seem to give up the mystery of why they're after the kids pretty easily. I'm do however enjoy the depiction of Kadir that bookends the action in this issue. As with Dr. Smith (speaking of Lost in Space) the conflict reads better when the internal antagonist is at least somewhat sympathetic. On other points, I'm old-fashioned enough not to appreciate swear words in a comic book, while the flashback scene reads almost like a non sequitur. While I do appreciate that we see the onion logo on the bad guy’s suit, I’m unclear if the flashback is from his past, or that of the main character. You’ll see what I mean when you read the issue — don’t want to give anything away.
A lot of the charm in this series, which, frankly, reads like a prospectus for another Image Comics series on AMC, is in the art, which is super fun, if somewhat muted by the coloring. I LOVE the monkey cliffhanger, although the cover kind of gave it away and took much of the "gosh-wow" off its impact. Seemingly, this cover would have worked better for next issue. Still, all in all, I'd call this the best new comic book I read this week.
[COVER: 7.25 — PLOT: 7.25 — SCRIPT: 8.0 — LAYOUT: 7.50 — ARTWORK: 8.0 — EDITING: 5.25 — COLORS/PRODUCTION: 6.75 — DOLLAR VALUE: 5.5 — COLLECTIBILITY: 4.50 —GOSH-WOW FACTOR: 6.50]
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