So, by now you've had a chance to fully digest the DC mini-boot coming this June. But that's not enough. Duke, I hear you asking, what do you think about the 24 new titles DC Comics is set to launch? It's well you should ask because, being the consummate 47-year-old fanboy, I am possessed of an innate ability to judge, based on virtually no information whatsoever, which books will rock, and which will suck beyond all belief! What can I say, I'm a mutant. It's my lucky-special power.
Okay, so maybe I'm not quite that guy, but even if I'm not THE Comic Book Guy, I am a comic book guy, and I can tell you already which new titles I expect will make it onto my own personal pull list, and which ones I'm more likely than not to skip.
I'll share those assessments below, but the first thing to note is this statement form DC Comics Co-Publisher Dan Didio, given in a press release announcing the sort-of-but-not-really relaunch:
“In this new era of storytelling, story will trump continuity as we continue to empower creators to tell the best stories in the industry."That, in my ever so humble, is about the wisest thing Didio has ever said. Some have called this the "Batgirling" of the DC line, based on the recently launched new direction of the Batgirl title, as it went off-model, so to speak, and its creative team was allowed to pursue a look and direction that did not necessarily match the rest of the DCU. But really, it's a return to form to how comics were made when they cared more for the casual reader than the inveterate fanboy.
Longtime DC Comics editor Julius Schwartz once made a fairly famous reply to a fan about continuity. I haven't been able to find it online, but the gist of it goes like this: The fan wrote in to complain that men from Saturn where depicted differently in two different stories in, I think, Strange Adventures. Schwartz' reply was that DC was more concerned with telling good stories, which meant making sure a story was internally consistent, and less with ensuring that it lined up with every other story the company ever published. Sound editorial reasoning. Of course, this was said in the days before shared universes and decompressed story lines that last six months or more, when seemingly every story revolves around some worldwide cataclysm. Those kinds of things tend to invite readers to wonder what's going on in one title while events unfold in another. So, we'll just have to wait and see how long this new policy lasts.
I mean, I'm no slave to continuity, but neither do I want all DCU stories to take place on Earth-B (look it up). I mean, I may like to see Batgirl teaming up with other members of the Batman Family from time to time, but what I want for her, and in the books below, is for each to have its own voice.
Anyway, here are my thoughts on the "re-launch" titles:
Writer: Dan Jurgens; Artists: Bernard Chang
I've never even seen the animated show that's the basis for this comic, so, fair to say, I've little built-in interest for this title. I'm almost certain to skip it.
Six-issue limited series
Writer: Dan Jurgens; Artist: Corin Howell
It's been said that, at least in part, the DC mini-relaunch involves a conscious decision to make comics fun again. The artist's model sheet for this series looks to do just that. My trepidation is that Jurgens is not known, by me at least, as a comedic writer. So, how much of a hoot this will be remains to be seen. That said, apart from the recent Aquaman and The Others series, Jurgens has always been a safe bet for my comics-buying dollar. At six issues, I'm sure to be all in for this.
Writer: Brenden Fletcher; Artists: Annie Wu & Irene Koh
Yeah, I dunno. Fletcher wins points for his Batgirl makeover. But what's up with Black Canary here? I must have lost track of the character at some point, because I'm only passingly familiar with the fact that she's now an emo punk songstress, but I don't really know how or when she got that way. At any rate, this looks like a book that might be more compelling to female readers. And that's a good thing. I just don't think it's going to be for me.
Six-issue limited series
Writer: Heath Corson; Artist: Gustavo Duarte
I'm not familiar with either creator, so I'm not sure what to expect. Bizarro is a concept that can be taken in so many directions. I still remember being not much impressed by the A. Bizarro series. The drawing included with the press release looks like a fun take on the me-am-do-opposite motif. It's unclear if this Bizarro is the New 52 Luther-built Frankenzarro, or not. He certainly looks more like that than the classic chalk-faced Bizarro No. 1. However, he may well be set in his own completely distinct, kid-friendly continuity, like the old Johnny DC line, only less lobotomized. Frankly, based on the PR drawing alone, this may be the series I am looking forward to the most. That means it's probably also going to be the one that disappoints me the most. We'll see.
I'm not familiar with either creator, so I'm not sure what to expect. Bizarro is a concept that can be taken in so many directions. I still remember being not much impressed by the A. Bizarro series. The drawing included with the press release looks like a fun take on the me-am-do-opposite motif. It's unclear if this Bizarro is the New 52 Luther-built Frankenzarro, or not. He certainly looks more like that than the classic chalk-faced Bizarro No. 1. However, he may well be set in his own completely distinct, kid-friendly continuity, like the old Johnny DC line, only less lobotomized. Frankly, based on the PR drawing alone, this may be the series I am looking forward to the most. That means it's probably also going to be the one that disappoints me the most. We'll see.
Writer: Ming Doyle; Artist: Riley Rossmo
Yeah, I've just never been on board with Constantine. I might be, if he was written more like Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge with a magic wand – you know, the rascally English scamp who's always working a get-rich quick scheme while simultaneously calculating how to pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today. But Constantine is not that. Constantine is a dick. And I don't want to read about an asshole. I like my escapist fantasy to be all about heroes and adventures and grand operatic themes. I don't mind a bit of the anti-hero, but Constantine is often more closely akin to an anti-villain. Pass.
Writer: David Walker; Artist: Ivan Reis
It's hard to know what to expect here. Cyborg has been, for me, one of the hardest things to accept about the New 52. I get that the Justice League needed a minority member, but Cyborg was, and in my mind forever will be, an integral cog in the New Teen Titans. I would have preferred if DC had made Black Lightning or someone else a founding League member, or else created a new black character to fill the role. Hell, they could have easily made John Jones a black guy. Still could, for what that's worth. But shoehorning in Vic, I dunno man — that just undoes so much, its hard for me to see the value in it. Plus, whenever I see Cyborg now, I seem to hear TPTB at DC saying, "Yeah, ya know, we just didn't have a lot of black characters to work with. After all, that is why he was made a member of the Super Friends, you'll recall."
So, I'll probably at least try the first couple of issues, but I'm not expecting much. I imagine what we'll get right off the bat is a supporting cast shoved at us, as well as a new home base. Trying to create a world for Vic to inhabit will take up a lot of panel space that should go into telling a story, and establishing a good villain. After all, the villain is how we define our heroes, isn't it? Cyborg's arch-nemesis should probably be someone based in social media somehow. Thats' what I'd do, anyway.
Writer: James Tynion IV; Artist: Ming Doyle
Nope. I don't even know what this is, apart from a recent Dan Didio interview in which he said it has something to do with the "mystic side" of the DC Universe. All I need to now is the writer. I left Talon almost entirely because of Tynion. I'll have to see a lot of really good reviews on this title before I plop down my hard-earned.
Nope. I don't even know what this is, apart from a recent Dan Didio interview in which he said it has something to do with the "mystic side" of the DC Universe. All I need to now is the writer. I left Talon almost entirely because of Tynion. I'll have to see a lot of really good reviews on this title before I plop down my hard-earned.
Writer: Cullen Bunn; Artists: Jesus Saiz & Javi Pina
I'm kind of super-saturated on Green Lanterns at the moment. It would take a pretty big name to draw my interest, to tell the truth. Plus, something about the title screams "high concept" to me, meaning something that would probably make for an interesting limited arc, but which will undoubtedly will lose its power when drawn out over a continuing series. Pass.
Writer: Scott Lobdell; Artist: Javier Fernandez
When I saw the teaser image for this, I wondered if the character was a new version of Robotman, and if this might be a new take on the Doom Patrol. A new take is just what the DP needs, given the failure of the last 12 attempts to revive the team. I have a take of my own I'll unveil at some point. But, as it turns out, this is some sort of tie-in to the recent "Superman: Doomed" storyline, which I didn't read, and that significantly mitigates my interest. Plus, while I don't dislike Lobdell my any means, his has never been a name that immediately draws me to a book on its own merit.
When I saw the teaser image for this, I wondered if the character was a new version of Robotman, and if this might be a new take on the Doom Patrol. A new take is just what the DP needs, given the failure of the last 12 attempts to revive the team. I have a take of my own I'll unveil at some point. But, as it turns out, this is some sort of tie-in to the recent "Superman: Doomed" storyline, which I didn't read, and that significantly mitigates my interest. Plus, while I don't dislike Lobdell my any means, his has never been a name that immediately draws me to a book on its own merit.
Writer: Daniel Wilson; Artist: Jorge Jimenez
I didn't think much of Earth 2 from the start. It got a little better under Tom Taylor, but it continues to suffer a bitter aftertaste from James Robinson's set-up and initial run on the series. To my mind, it read more like a professional fanfic than anything else, as if it were the comic book equivalent of Bryan Singer's Superman Returns. Of course, I fully admit, some of that feeling stems from my own fanboy biases. To me, if you're going to call a book Earth-2, it should feature the real and actual Earth-2, picking up the threads from Infinity Inc., or better yet, the All-Star Comics/Adventure Comics run.
This is not that, though. And so, I'll probably skim the first issue on the stand, but it's highly unlikely I'll be adding it to my pull list.
I didn't think much of Earth 2 from the start. It got a little better under Tom Taylor, but it continues to suffer a bitter aftertaste from James Robinson's set-up and initial run on the series. To my mind, it read more like a professional fanfic than anything else, as if it were the comic book equivalent of Bryan Singer's Superman Returns. Of course, I fully admit, some of that feeling stems from my own fanboy biases. To me, if you're going to call a book Earth-2, it should feature the real and actual Earth-2, picking up the threads from Infinity Inc., or better yet, the All-Star Comics/Adventure Comics run.
This is not that, though. And so, I'll probably skim the first issue on the stand, but it's highly unlikely I'll be adding it to my pull list.
Writer: Paul Levitz; Artist: Sonny Liew
I desperately want a Dr. Fate series to work, even though few have, at least to my liking. The thing is, I want to delve into magic and mysticism, but I don't want stupid-weird. I'm not familiar with Liew's work, but what really gives me pause here is Paul Levitz. As a die-hard Legion fan, I revere the guy, but, much as it pains me to admit, I really haven't liked anything he's done since stepping out from DC's back office. His Worlds' Finest took forever to tell a story, in part because his scripts ran less than 1,000 words. I eventually dropped the title because it just wasn't worth spending $2.99 on a book that could bread in about six minutes. So, I'll have to take a good, hard look at this title before I commit.
I desperately want a Dr. Fate series to work, even though few have, at least to my liking. The thing is, I want to delve into magic and mysticism, but I don't want stupid-weird. I'm not familiar with Liew's work, but what really gives me pause here is Paul Levitz. As a die-hard Legion fan, I revere the guy, but, much as it pains me to admit, I really haven't liked anything he's done since stepping out from DC's back office. His Worlds' Finest took forever to tell a story, in part because his scripts ran less than 1,000 words. I eventually dropped the title because it just wasn't worth spending $2.99 on a book that could bread in about six minutes. So, I'll have to take a good, hard look at this title before I commit.
Six-issue limited series
Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner; Artist: Stephane Roux
Golly, Harley has been popular of late. I missed the boat on her new series, in part because I was not a fan of the character's New 52 look. This might be a chance to jump in for a taste of what the regular series is like. I did enjoy Connor's brief run on Power Girl, so there's that added to the mix. Of course, we don't know yet if this is Faux Earth-2 Power Girl, or the new, New 52 Power Girl. This is one on which the jury is still out.
Golly, Harley has been popular of late. I missed the boat on her new series, in part because I was not a fan of the character's New 52 look. This might be a chance to jump in for a taste of what the regular series is like. I did enjoy Connor's brief run on Power Girl, so there's that added to the mix. Of course, we don't know yet if this is Faux Earth-2 Power Girl, or the new, New 52 Power Girl. This is one on which the jury is still out.
Writer/Artist: Bryan Hitch
Oh, yes. Hell, yes! A thousand times yes. Hitch has proven to me with Real Heroes that he can write, as well as draw some of the best comics in the history of the industry. I was all-in on this even when I expected months or more to pass between issues. But hearing that Hitch has been working on this for some time, and that we may get a solid string of monthly releases, has me excited beyond belief!
It is interesting to note, however, that the image released is titled JLA15_PR,jpg. Why 15? I wonder if Hitch had been brought on for the regular JLA series, but fell far enough behind on deadline that his issues were pulled from the schedule until now? Justice League #15 did feature the start of the "Throne of Atlantis" storyline after a two-part Cheetah tale, so it's possible something else was planned initially.
Although billed as a continuing series, this will probably end up being a mini.
Oh, yes. Hell, yes! A thousand times yes. Hitch has proven to me with Real Heroes that he can write, as well as draw some of the best comics in the history of the industry. I was all-in on this even when I expected months or more to pass between issues. But hearing that Hitch has been working on this for some time, and that we may get a solid string of monthly releases, has me excited beyond belief!
It is interesting to note, however, that the image released is titled JLA15_PR,jpg. Why 15? I wonder if Hitch had been brought on for the regular JLA series, but fell far enough behind on deadline that his issues were pulled from the schedule until now? Justice League #15 did feature the start of the "Throne of Atlantis" storyline after a two-part Cheetah tale, so it's possible something else was planned initially.
Although billed as a continuing series, this will probably end up being a mini.
Writer: Keith Giffen; Artist: Howard Porter
Well, this isn't really a new book, is it? Unless, of course, the idea is to stay the course with turning this title into what amounts to Justice League International 3000. I'm not really down with that, to tell you the truth. I actually enjoyed the interplay of the cloned Justice Leaguers, and wanted more along those lines. Also of note: J. M. DeMatteis' name is not listed as a co-writer. Is he off the book? That might change things up. Giffen is a great idea man, but has not always been the greatest scripter, in my opinion. Without a strong editor or co-writer to temper his Beautiful Mind, he tends to run wild.
Well, this isn't really a new book, is it? Unless, of course, the idea is to stay the course with turning this title into what amounts to Justice League International 3000. I'm not really down with that, to tell you the truth. I actually enjoyed the interplay of the cloned Justice Leaguers, and wanted more along those lines. Also of note: J. M. DeMatteis' name is not listed as a co-writer. Is he off the book? That might change things up. Giffen is a great idea man, but has not always been the greatest scripter, in my opinion. Without a strong editor or co-writer to temper his Beautiful Mind, he tends to run wild.
Writer: Rob Williams; Artist: Ben Oliver
Here's another title I want to work, but expect to fail. Again, the first few issues are probably going to be all about setting up a supporting cast and a new base of operations. More likely than not we'll also get yet another rewrite on J'Onns' backstory, probably in the form of one of those, "Everything you know is a lie!" taglines.
For me, this book is real simple. What I want out of Martian Manhunter is a sort of comics noir. A police procedural would be just fine with me. I also want to see J'Onn SERIOUSLY depowered. If it were me, I'd say his powers are based on mass control, much like the vision. That would allow him to still range from super-strength to near-intangibility, but would lose all the other 99 powers he has. I'd also reduce others. Maybe adjust from full-on shapeshifting to an ability to slightly alter his (still humanoid) appearance and coloring, which could still lead to a form of invisibility by way of chameleon-like disguise. And pull back the telepathy for complete mental control to some form of empathic ability. Hey, he's a good detective because he can alway tell when someone is lying. And I'd sh!t-can the whole weakness to fire thing, changing it to a vulnerability to extreme heat, given the frigidity of his native world. For that reason, I'd also set his adventures in a northern clime. Maybe Ontario or Toronto, depending on what happens with the JLU.
Basically, what I'm looking for here is Fargo with super-powers, by way of The Day the Earth Stood Still. What we'll probably get, however, is Plan 9 from Melrose Place.
Here's another title I want to work, but expect to fail. Again, the first few issues are probably going to be all about setting up a supporting cast and a new base of operations. More likely than not we'll also get yet another rewrite on J'Onns' backstory, probably in the form of one of those, "Everything you know is a lie!" taglines.
For me, this book is real simple. What I want out of Martian Manhunter is a sort of comics noir. A police procedural would be just fine with me. I also want to see J'Onn SERIOUSLY depowered. If it were me, I'd say his powers are based on mass control, much like the vision. That would allow him to still range from super-strength to near-intangibility, but would lose all the other 99 powers he has. I'd also reduce others. Maybe adjust from full-on shapeshifting to an ability to slightly alter his (still humanoid) appearance and coloring, which could still lead to a form of invisibility by way of chameleon-like disguise. And pull back the telepathy for complete mental control to some form of empathic ability. Hey, he's a good detective because he can alway tell when someone is lying. And I'd sh!t-can the whole weakness to fire thing, changing it to a vulnerability to extreme heat, given the frigidity of his native world. For that reason, I'd also set his adventures in a northern clime. Maybe Ontario or Toronto, depending on what happens with the JLU.
Basically, what I'm looking for here is Fargo with super-powers, by way of The Day the Earth Stood Still. What we'll probably get, however, is Plan 9 from Melrose Place.
Writer: Steve Orlando; Artist: ACO
Nope. Not even. I have no interest in psychopaths. Zip. Zero. Nada. Not even a little. Pass.
Nope. Not even. I have no interest in psychopaths. Zip. Zero. Nada. Not even a little. Pass.
Writer: Alisa Kwitney; Artist: TBA
Not sure what this is supposed to be. Gotham Academy by way of Harry Potter, maybe? It could certainly use a more compelling title. Unless it stars Zatanna's fishnet stockings, and depending on who the artist ends up being (not a good sign to have no artist this late in the game, in my humble opinion), I expect to pass.
Not sure what this is supposed to be. Gotham Academy by way of Harry Potter, maybe? It could certainly use a more compelling title. Unless it stars Zatanna's fishnet stockings, and depending on who the artist ends up being (not a good sign to have no artist this late in the game, in my humble opinion), I expect to pass.
Writer: Tom King; Artist: Barnaby Bagenda
Well, here's another title that's been tried 1,000 times and never quite lived up to expectations. What to do with this series? What to do, what to do? If this is the same thing it's always been, I'm liable to pass. What might be interesting is to change the concept from rebels fighting for independent will in an evil empire of collectivist thought to a comedic prisoner-of-war adventure motif. Let's call it Hogan's Heroes in space, with all the sensibilities of Firefly. I'd read that. Didio has said, however, that this title will be "dark and biting." So, it's probably not for me.
Well, here's another title that's been tried 1,000 times and never quite lived up to expectations. What to do with this series? What to do, what to do? If this is the same thing it's always been, I'm liable to pass. What might be interesting is to change the concept from rebels fighting for independent will in an evil empire of collectivist thought to a comedic prisoner-of-war adventure motif. Let's call it Hogan's Heroes in space, with all the sensibilities of Firefly. I'd read that. Didio has said, however, that this title will be "dark and biting." So, it's probably not for me.
Writer: Mark Russell; Artist: Ben Caldwell
I changed my mind about what I said concerning Bizarro, above. THIS is the new, New 52 series I'm most looking forward to. Just based on the teaser image, this looks like a fun take on a dystopian future. I don't mind the gender switch on Prez, although I do wonder why all of DC's best new books have female leads. It's like DC is afraid to let a male hero range anywhere between melancholy and buffoonery. Of course, there's always the danger of a title getting a little too lost in its high concept. This could easily become another Thriller.
I changed my mind about what I said concerning Bizarro, above. THIS is the new, New 52 series I'm most looking forward to. Just based on the teaser image, this looks like a fun take on a dystopian future. I don't mind the gender switch on Prez, although I do wonder why all of DC's best new books have female leads. It's like DC is afraid to let a male hero range anywhere between melancholy and buffoonery. Of course, there's always the danger of a title getting a little too lost in its high concept. This could easily become another Thriller.
Writer: Scott Lobdell; Artist: Denis Medri
No. I hate Jason Todd with a passion, and have ever since his character was changed to that of a punk hood in the immediate aftermath of the original Crisis. Roy Harper in space has never made much sense to me either. I have zero interest in this book.
No. I hate Jason Todd with a passion, and have ever since his character was changed to that of a punk hood in the immediate aftermath of the original Crisis. Roy Harper in space has never made much sense to me either. I have zero interest in this book.
Writer/Artist: Patrick Gleason
And, hey, speaking of little asswipes, Damian could've stayed dead, for all I care. I voted to kill Jason back in the day and I'd vote to kill Damian every time the opportunity presented itself. I do like Pat Gleason's art, however. I would buy something else by him. A little Kamandi, perhaps. Or, going the other way, Anthro.
And, hey, speaking of little asswipes, Damian could've stayed dead, for all I care. I voted to kill Jason back in the day and I'd vote to kill Damian every time the opportunity presented itself. I do like Pat Gleason's art, however. I would buy something else by him. A little Kamandi, perhaps. Or, going the other way, Anthro.
Six-issue limited series
Writer: Garth Ennis; Artist: John McCrea
This is apparently based on something I don't know anything about. Didio has said it will be "exactly what people think it is." But I haven't foggiest idea what Section Eight is, or was, or whatever. All the signals say this is a book which I'll need to enter pre-loaded with some knowledge of the characters. Since I don't have that, I'll pass.
This is apparently based on something I don't know anything about. Didio has said it will be "exactly what people think it is." But I haven't foggiest idea what Section Eight is, or was, or whatever. All the signals say this is a book which I'll need to enter pre-loaded with some knowledge of the characters. Since I don't have that, I'll pass.
Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner; Artist: Emanuela Lupacchino
Apparently, Starfire is back on Earth. And dressed. So, hooray. Honestly, I think the character looks a hell of a lot sexier in the Amanda Conner teaser image for the new seres than she ever did paling around with Roy and Jason as Little Miss Space Slut. I have high hopes given the writing team, but a commitment will come only after I've seen what Lupacchino's sequential art looks like.
Apparently, Starfire is back on Earth. And dressed. So, hooray. Honestly, I think the character looks a hell of a lot sexier in the Amanda Conner teaser image for the new seres than she ever did paling around with Roy and Jason as Little Miss Space Slut. I have high hopes given the writing team, but a commitment will come only after I've seen what Lupacchino's sequential art looks like.
Writer: Lee Bermejo; Artist: Khary Randolph
Now, this one looks interesting. It's the weirdest concept among the new releases to be sure, but that's part of the appeal. Of course, this could go either way. It appears to be a youth movement, that's partly an attempt to crowdsource the Robin role (he's had a Legion of Robins already, after all, so youngsters can be forgiven for thinking the job is open to all comers), crossed with the only way untrained, over-exuberant kids could hope to defeat a villain, by basically flashmobbing him. A lot will depend on the scripting and how well the core group of Robin wannabees are written. This could be something great, but it could also be another version of The Movement, which I dropped after two issues. I'll probably give it a try, but a lot will depend on what else comes out in June, and what my budget looks like.
And, the returning titles
Writer: Greg Pak; Artist: Aaron Kuder
I haven't read a lot of Pak's work, but dropped Batman/Superman because it was taking him too long to tell a simple story, which cost me too much per issue for the amount of time each took to read. Pass.
Writer: Cullen Bunn; Artist: Trevor McCarthy
I was enjoying the Jeff Parker/Paul Pelletier stories quite a bit. I don't know Bunn, but I do know I really disliked McCarthy's work on Klarion. I've been with this title since the Geoff Johns relaunch, but I'll be dropping it here.
Writers: Cameron Stewart & Brenden Fletcher; Artist: Babs Tarr
Currently buying, stays on the pull list.
Writer: Scott Snyder; Artist: Greg Capullo
Meh. I dropped this title when it first went to $3.99, then came back for the "Death of the Family" arc, which seemed interesting, but kind of sputtered out, I thought. I left the title again during "Year Zero," given that it was taking forever and presented what seemed more an Elseworlds version of Batman's origin than the definitive telling. Like the incredibly stupid final movie in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, I just didn't buy Gotham being completely shut down and cordoned off as a no-man's zone. I didn't like every character ever suddenly becoming a part of Batman's origin, although it also made no sense for noone to have done anything about the city being shut off. But worst of all, making the Red Hood a criminal mastermind and arch nemesis from Day 1 was, I felt, a betrayal of the character. The idea was always that he was a two-bit nobody until he fell in a vat of chemicals and became the Joker. So, anyway, this title is the most popular thing DC is publishing right now. For that Snyder and Capullo are to be congratulated. It's just not for me.
Writers; Brian Buccelato & Francis Manapul; Artist: Francis Manapul
Nope. Not at $3.99.
Nope. Not at $3.99.
Writer: Greg Pak; Artist: Ardian Syaf
What I said about Pak, above. $3.99 is too much for what this title delivers.
Writer: Genevieve Valentine; Artist: David Messina
Not a fan of the New 52 Catwoman. Although, to be fair, the Ed Brubaker/Darwyn Cooke run is the only version that's ever interested me for long. There's such a thing as too much of a good thing, and Catwoman has always seemed better suited to recurring villain status than title character.
Writer/Artist: Tony S. Daniel
Nope. A gritty character for a grimmer time. Not for me.
Writers: Robert Venditti & Van Jensen; Artist: Brett Booth
Yeah, probably not. I actually dropped this title not too long ago, albeit from a different creative team. To my mind, what DC needs to do is snap is fingers — remember a little thing called "hypertime?" — and declare that the CW TV show continuity is now the comic book continuity. I love almost everything about the Flash TV show. Those are the characters I want to read about. Best of all, black Wally would finally make sense, although if he continues to be a little punk I'll still hate him.
Writers: Becky Cloonan & Brenden Fletcher; Artist: Karl Kerschl
Not quite living up to its initial promise, but I'm sticking with it.
Writer: Ray Fawkes; Artist: Juan Ferreyra
Isn't this the one set at Arkham? I dunno. And isn't Fawkes another Geoff Johns protege? I dunno, but he hasn't exactly set the world on fire for me. So, whatever this is, no.
Writers: Tom King & Tim Seeley; Artist: Mikel Janin
A lot of people seem to like this series. I read the first two issues and thought it was a complete friggin' mess. So, that's a big no for me.
Writer: Ben Percy; Artist: Zircher
I'm really following this, having dropped it last month. While DC had the TV show writers on the book, it should have just adopted the TV continuity. Still could. Still should. But would that draw me back to the title? The recent issues were just, meh. I did like it under Jeff Lemire, although in retrospect I think what I really liked about that run was Andrea Sorrentino's artwork. I really don't know what to think of this title. I half think it might be time to give Oliver Queen another time-out. Maybe DC could move this series to a parallel Earth where Green Arrow is a Native American, Oliver Crazy-Bear, or some such, and a militant environmentalist, making him a true "green" arrow. I'd give that a try.
Writer: Robert Venditti; Artist: Billy Tan
I won't buy this title, just because, even with the recent cancelations, it feels like one has to keep up with five different series to have any idea what's going on here. It's just WAY too event driven. And Hal Jordan also needs a time out. His basic problem is that, right from the beginning, his civilian i.d. as a hotshot test pilot was outmoded, the era of The Right Stuff already past. Warner ventures into film and TV notwithstanding, I feel about GL the same as I do about Flash, Green Arrow, Aquaman, The Atom, and especially Hawkman. It's time to reboot the characters. And I don't mean just pass the torch, as was done in the '90s. No, I mean a total Schwartz-tastic do-over. Keep the concept — person with magic ring — but otherwise start from scratch, and try like hell to capture the current zeitgeist.
I'm not really sure how to do that with Green Lantern though. He could be a she, for certain. And maybe something mixing in the original magic lantern concept with something that's like, but not quite the Tanget Universe version. And it could be a science-so-advanced-it-seems-like-magic thing, with an interstellar peace force that doesn't fly though space, but travels via stargates, from which Earth has been cut off since the days of ancient Egypt, until the lantern is rediscovered for what it is? So, what's our space-noir high concept then? Call it Stargate: Chinatown?
I dunno. I'm just throwing stuff at the wall, I guess. All I know is that I've been over Hal Jordan since Emerald Dawn.
Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner; Artist: Chad Hardin
This is one I just might try, based on rave reviews, given a decent enough jumping-on point.
Writer: Geoff Johns; Artist: Jason Fabok
One I've stuck with. No reason to stop now. Wish it cost less, though.
Writer and Artist: TBA
No creative team this close to release? Scary. My call would be to cancel it and try something new. Or, one interesting concept might be a team united from the various worlds and/or heroes that survive the coming Convergence. The title would make a little more sense that way, at least. What would the ideal line-up be, however? I dunno. Just taking an initial stab at it, maybe, as stand-ins for the classic team:
Superman = Kon-El Superman and/or Matrix Superwoman
Batman = Stephanie Brown Batwoman
Wonder Woman = Donna Troy
Flash = Wally West (maybe with kids?)
Green Lantern = Kyle Rayner
Aquaman = Kaldur'ham
Martian Manhunter = Miss Martian
Green Arrow = Connor Hawke
Atom = Ryan Choi
Hawkman = Ryan Kendall Black Condor
Black Canary = Renee Montoya Question
Phantom Stranger = Bloodwynd
Elongated Man = Ralph and Sue, not dead
Red Tornado = Cyclone
Hawkgirl = Hawkworld version
Zatanna = maybe White Witch as a survivor from Legion world?
Firestorm = Jason Rusch version
Some additional wildcards might be: Someone from the Detroit JLA, Mary Marvel, a Freedom Fighter, Ted Kord Blue Beetle, Amazing Man, and/or maybe someone from the Super Friends team like Apache Chief? And maybe Snapper Carr, the Wonder Twins, and/or Wendy, Marvin and Wonder Dog as mascots?
Writer: Cullen Bunn; Artist: Cliff Richards
No. I hate Lobo. I have always hated Lobo. I will always hate Lobo. Lobo must die.
Writer: Gail Simone; Artist: Dale Eaglesham
I've never read any version of this title. Well, other than the classic Silver Age run, that is. I don't even know what the concept is supposed to be. If 'twere me, I'd make this a chick book, with the six being Batgirl, Supergirl, Wonder Girl, Stargirl, Hawkgirl, and, um . . . Zatannagirl. Yay, girl power!!
Writer: Cullen Bunn; Artist: Bradley Walker
Haven't tried this one. To me, Sinestro is more interesting as a villain, or even as an anti-hero, for how he defines the Green Lantern Corps, than as a lead character in his own right. I'm kind of meh, here.
Writer: Sean Ryan; Artist: Carlos D’Anda
Just no appeal to me. Never has been. Not even in the classic Ostrander era. Dunno why.
Writer: Gene Luen Yang; Artist: John Romita, Jr.
I've no idea what to expect of the writer. I may stick with this for an issue or two longer. I do want to read a book by Romita Jr., he's just proven to me that book is not Superman.
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi; Artist: Doug Mahnke
Yawn. I'd rather have DC Comics Presents back.
Writer: Will Pfeifer; Artist: Kenneth Rocafort
From everything I've heard, this book has been an absolute disaster from Day 1. I really have no interest, even though the Titans were one of my fav. books in both their '70s and '80s incarnations.
Gotham Academy
Justice League
Justice League of America
Dr. Fate
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn/Power Girl
Justice League 3001
Martian Manhunter
We Are Robin.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Your mileage, as the saying goes, may vary.
Writer: Meredith Finch; Artist: David Finch
I really don't know what to say here. I've just never been that into Wonder Woman, apart from the George Perez years. I do like David Finch's art well enough, but reviews of his debut on the book with his wife called the issue "uneven and underwhelming." I'm probably a pass, unless I can't find enough good books to fill my budget when placing my pre-order in April.
So, as things stand right now, my DC pre-order in April, for comics on-sale in June, will be, for certain, just eight books:
Gotham Academy
Justice League
Justice League of America
Then, there are these eight titles on the provisional list, depending on what else is solicited that month. My monthly budget is $120, which includes a 20 percent discount off retail, plus 5.5 percent sales tax, so some of these won't make the cut:
Dr. Fate
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn/Power Girl
Justice League 3001
Martian Manhunter
We Are Robin.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Your mileage, as the saying goes, may vary.